Longfellow Elementary School

Parent Teacher Association



A Message from the LoES 2nd Grade Team

We hope you all had a wonderful week! As per tradition, every year each grade has a family night funded through Title I. Our family night will focus on math. We would love to get a gauge on the number of people who plan to attend so we can start the planning process and know how much food we’ll need as well as some other things! Please let us know if you plan to attend on January 15th as soon as possible. 


Thank you so much! 

~2nd Grade Team

¡Esperamos que todos hayan tenido una semana maravillosa! Según la tradición, cada año cada grado tiene una noche familiar financiada a través del Título I. Nuestra noche familiar se centrará en matemáticas. ¡Nos encantaría saber la cantidad de personas que planean asistir para que podamos comenzar el proceso de planificación y saber cuánta comida necesitaremos, además de algunas otras cosas! Háganos saber si planea asistir el 15 de enero lo antes posible.




Sign Up for PTA Committees and Working Groups (Updated 12.6.24)

Click here to sign up for the PTA Committees and Working Groups

Please use the link above to access the online sign up form for all current PTA committees and working groups for the 24/25 school year. This form will be updates frequently as more committees and working groups are formed.

Please email loesptainfo@gmail.com with any questions.



LoES Book Vending Machine

Click here to sign up and volunteer for the LoES Book Vending Machine. This volunteer opportunity is available every morning school is in session, year-round, 9:10-9:35am. Also, be sure to complete you mandatory HCPSS volunteer training, and have your paperwork on file with the front office BEFORE volunteering. (Once completing the training you are covered for the entire school year). The online training is available at https://www.hcpss.org/parents/volunteer-information/.


2024-2025 PTA Executive Committee

President, JP Javier-Wong

Vice President, Margot Celano

Treasurer, Shavonne Austin

Recording Secretary, Kishia Blackburn

Contacts us by email at: 

General (President) - loesptainfo@gmail.com

Financial (Treasurer) - loesptatreasurer@gmail.com

Fundraising - loesptafundraising@gmail.com

Follow us on:

Facebook at www.facebook.com/loespta

Instagram at loes_pta

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