
24/25 PTA Membership Drive Underway

Click here to become a member of the Longfellow Elementary PTA.

Your membership allows the PTA the ability to support students, provide resources to teachers and staff, distribute information to and advocate for our school community, and create opportunities for connection.

Members are the driving force behind the work we do. From events and fundraisers to celebrations and hospitalities for our teachers - the PTA and our committees are responsible for these actions.

Most importantly, as a PTA member you have a vote. With your vote, your agency, you help decide the directions that we take, and why we take them.

INFORMATION. ACTION. AGENCY. Sign up NOW. The annual cost is $10 per membership.


PTA addresses issues that are important to parents and public school administrators. We fight for full funding, quality teachers, and capabilities for schools to thrive. It provides programs on strengthening family-school partnerships, and free resources for members on issues and areas such as STEM and health & safety. Membership in PTA is not limited to just parents and families, but for teachers as well. Events and programs like PTA Teacher Appreciation Week is just one of the ways we celebrate and support teachers.

The $10 membership dues go towards classroom supplies and resources, family and student programs and events, and much more. Memberships are purchased through the LoES PTA Givebacks site (formerly known as MemberHub). Membership in PTA can involve as much or as little time as you have to offer. There is no wrong or right way to be involved – anything you can give, whether it’s time or money, will support your child’s potential.  


Need to purchase a Membership through PayPal?